7th May 2019
| Mallory Gray

Cricket Wales are recruiting two Recreational Game Directors to join the Cricket Wales Board
A Recreational Game Director must be a member of a Cricket Wales affiliated club, league, region or association and must be proposed and seconded by a Cricket Wales affiliated club, league, region or association.
Remuneration – Voluntary Company Director role, expenses paid
Do you have a passion for cricket development and business excellence?
Cricket Wales is looking for two dynamic, innovative and committed individuals from within cricket to join the Cricket Wales Board of Directors for a three year term. Short-listed applicants will be interviewed by a Cricket Wales Nominations Panel which will make recommendations to the forthcoming Cricket Wales AGM.
We welcome applications from any person who is eligible to undertake the role of a Company Director and is a member of a Cricket Wales affiliated organisation. We would particularly encourage applications from women, people with disabilities, Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority candidates and Welsh Language speakers, as these groups are currently under-represented on our Board. All members of Cricket Wales affiliated organisations are actively encouraged to apply.
The Cricket Wales’ Board’s role is to:
- Agree Cricket Wales’ vision and strategic plan and ensure that the necessary financial and human resources are in place for the company to meet its objectives
- Provide leadership and expertise within a framework of effective financial control that enables risk to be assessed and managed
- Set the Cricket Wales values and standards and ensure that its obligations to its members and others are understood and met
Collectively we need the right balance of skills, knowledge, experience, independence and diversity to meet the needs of cricket and the communities we serve. As a group Board Directors need to demonstrate experience of change management, strategic planning, relationship management, executive performance review, finance, risk assessment and diversity/inclusion.
For an informal discussion about the role please contact Peter Hybart, Cricket Wales CEO on 02920 419328. For an information pack and an application form please visit www.cricketwales.org.uk.
Recreational Game Director advert 2019
Recreational Game Director Application Form 2019
Recreational Game Director Application Supporting Information 2019
Equality monitoring form 2019
The closing date for applications is Friday 31st May 2019. Interviews will be held on Wednesday 19th June 2019

Cricket Wales are recruiting an Independent Director to join the Cricket Wales Board
An Independent Director must be independent of cricket administration in Wales i.e. they cannot be an official, committee or Board member of any cricket organisation in Wales. They may or may not be a member of a cricket organisation in Wales.
Remuneration – Voluntary Company Director role, expenses paid
Do you have a passion for cricket development and business excellence?
Cricket Wales is looking for a dynamic, innovative and committed individual, independent of Welsh cricket administration, to join the Cricket Wales Board of Directors. Applicants will be interviewed by a Cricket Wales Nominations Panel which will make recommendations to the Cricket Wales AGM
We welcome applications from any person who is eligible to undertake the role of a Company Director and is independent of Welsh cricket administration. We would particularly encourage applications from women, people with disabilities, Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority candidates and Welsh Language speakers, as these groups are currently under-represented on our Board. All members of the community who are independent of Welsh cricket administration are actively encouraged to apply.
The Cricket Wales’ Board’s role is to:
- Agree Cricket Wales’ vision and strategic plan and ensure that the necessary financial and human resources are in place for the company to meet its objectives
- Provide leadership and expertise within a framework of effective financial control that enables risk to be assessed and managed
- Set the Cricket Wales values and standards and ensure that its obligations to its members and others are understood and met
Cricket Wales is looking for an Independent Director to constructively challenge how things are currently done. Collectively we need the right balance of skills, knowledge, experience, independence and diversity to meet the needs of cricket and the communities we serve. As a group Board Directors need to demonstrate experience of change management, strategic planning, relationship management, executive performance review, finance, risk assessment and diversity/inclusion
For an informal discussion about the role please contact Peter Hybart, Cricket Wales CEO on 02920 419328. For an information pack and an application form please visit www.cricketwales.org.uk.
Independent Director advert 2019
Independent Director Application Supporting Information 2019
Independent Director Application Form 2019
Equality monitoring form 2019
The closing date for applications is Friday 31st May 2019. Interviews will be held on Wednesday 19th June 2019