
The new Cricket Wales Board has appointed its three voluntary Area Chairs who will each play a key role in leading and co-ordinating the game locally and working closely with Cricket Wales professional staff.

The individuals appointed are Robin Varley (Chair Cricket Wales North), David Harris (Chair Cricket Wales South East) and Neil Hobbs (Chair Cricket Wales South West).

                   David Harris                                                     Neil Hobbs                                   Robin Varley

The purpose of each of the roles is to co-ordinate the various elements of the voluntary cricket network within the Area with each other, and with the Cricket Wales Area Manager role. It is envisaged that an Area Board consisting of all of the leagues, regions and associations in the Area will meet approximately quarterly to develop the health of the game in response to the Cricket Wales strategy.

Leadership and drive between meetings will be provided by the Area Chair and the Area Cricket Manager together with a small team.

The Chair of Cricket Wales Rod Jones believes the creation of the three Area Boards is an important step forward for cricket in Wales: ‘Through the creation of three Area Boards we are committed to the whole game gaining a better understanding of who does what, how resources are utilised and what local priorities should be supported. In Robin, David, and Neil we have appointed three individuals who have enormous experience of cricket and are very well respected within each of their Areas’.

It is intended that each of the Area Boards will meet at least once prior to the start of the 2017 season to develop the current position of cricket in the Area, and will then play a full role in planning priorities for season 2018 onwards with their Area Cricket Manager.


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