Cricket Wales achieves the Intermediate Level of the Equality Standard for Sport



Tom Overton  with Peter Hybart and Ali Abdi

Due to the efforts of many staff and volunteers Cricket Wales has achieved the Intermediate Level of the Equality Standard for Sport.

Cricket Wales is the first County Cricket Board to be accredited at this level and one of only four National Governing Bodies in Wales to be recognised in this way. The Intermediate Level is the third rung of a four-step ladder and has been awarded to Cricket Wales in recognition of its progress in embedding the principles of equality throughout our work. This work is overseen by the Cricket Wales Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Group chaired by Board Director Tony Moss.

The last two years has seen significant progress in the development of disability cricket, BME cricket, women and girls cricket, Welsh language provision and the introduction of greater diversity amongst Board and Staff. 

On 14th September Cricket Wales CEO Peter Hybart and BME Cricket Co-ordinator Ali Abdi were presented with the Award by Sport Wales Head of Community Sport Tom Overton. 

Many thanks and congratulations to everyone who has worked so hard to ensure ‘Cricket is accessible to everyone in Wales’. We will continue to develop this work and perhaps be in a position to be assessed for the Advanced Level of the Equality Standard in a few years time.     

Peter Hybart, CEO Cricket Wales


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