Community Asset Transfer Consultancy Support Vacancy


Initial Twelve-Month Contract for Consultancy Services to be provided to the Institute of Groundsmanship in Wales - £17000


The Institute of Groundsmanship in partnership with Cricket Wales, wishes to appoint a consultant initially for a twelve month period, to provide Community Asset Transfer support to targeted cricket clubs in Wales  

Main Purpose of Consultancy Service

1                     To guide and support affiliated ECB/Cricket Wales clubs who are considering or undertaking Community Asset Transfer (CAT) of cricket facilities


2                     To advise Cricket Wales on strategic facility solutions within key Local Authorities with a particular focus on the preservation and development of cricket facilities during times of CAT


Specific Services


3                     To support Cricket Wales in identifying high risk Local Authority areas and priority clubs


4                     In conjunction with Cricket Wales, to influence Local Authorities in establishing realistic CAT timeframes (in partnership with other NGB’s as appropriate)


5                     To support priority clubs in following the ECB CAT guidance process, attending internal (club) and external (LA) meetings as appropriate. At times a ‘hands on role’ from the consultant is envisaged.


6                     To work in partnership with the WRU and the FAW Trust on cricket/rugby and cricket/football sites, liaising with the respective clubs, NGB’s and LA’s as appropriate


Contract Management


7                     Formal contract management will be through the Institute of Groundsmanship with weekly liaison also being with the Cricket Wales CEO

Submission should be sent to [email protected] by Monday 19th June 2017 

Please see attached advert. 

CAT consultancy advert May 2017.docx


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