Club Membership Registration



Making Collecting Membership Easy, Beneficial & Informative

In 2016 Cricket Wales successfully trialled a new online membership registration and payment system with 5 clubs and Sport80. This combines the needs of clubs to have a good registration process (including parental consents for juniors) as well as an easy to pay method. Here individuals manage their own details and so clubs are better informed as to who is a member and useful information about their background such as ethnicity and gender.  Below follows a summary of benefits for clubs, parents or senior members as well as how to respond. There is a transaction charge, however all these costs are absorbed by parents or adult members rather than the club.  A key benefit for juniors is a young buds membership with Glamorgan. 

Benefits for the Club 

·         Easy way of signposting members to an online site via email etc where registration and payment is made in a secure location. 

·         No banking required. No transposing of hard copy contact details, from paper to spreadsheet. All of this is completed automatically.       

·         Registration is compliant with best practice helping those clubs that struggle here

·         Cash Flow: payment goes immediately to the clubs account. One off and monthly payments options available. This offers a greater chance of gathering membership income before the season starts. 

·         All categories of membership on offer

·         Renewal of membership is via email the following year and can be automatically generated. 

·         An instant spreadsheet is generated with all details of registered members that can be circulated to relevant club officials. 

·         A non-payers report is easily generated. 

Senior Members

·         Easy to buy membership saving the need to remember to get cash and pay at the next match.

·         One off and monthly payment options. 


·         Simple to use on line system, once Registration is complete subsequent years only require payment. 

·         Good practise Registration system

·         Free Glamorgan Young Buds membership 


“Through using the online membership scheme, we now have a database of all our junior members containing their contact details, allergy and dietary requirements, medical consents etc. which is easily accessible.  We are able to download reports for the coaches and by collecting membership fees online, we have cut down on pitch-side admin too.”   Charlotte Lord:   Vale Cricket Club 

“As a junior club co-ordinator I have found the recent addition of the Cricket Wales payment database a simplistic and useful tool. Not only does it ease the administrative burden on form filling and retention but the system allows a team to ask a parent/carer to pay the club subscription straight into an account which is then transferred by BACS. Croesyceiliog Cricket Club benefited from all players having a Glamorgan Young Buds membership as part of their club membership deal. This membership was used by a lot of our players and enabled them to enjoy a match which they may not have necessarily done if it wasn't a tie in with the club fee. Parents were also attracted to the deal and readily paid for an adult ticket to watch a match alongside their child. I feel this enhanced the understanding and enjoyment of playing cricket. I personally found the database easy to use when I was trying to ascertain the age of children, their medical needs and those that may have dietary requirements resulting from their religion.  I welcome the use of this database during 2017.”  Caroline Busby Croesyceiliog Cricket Club 



Send your expression of interest to [email protected]   Gavin will arrange for your next step to set your club up as an option for people to buy their membership. 


Official Partners

Glamorgan Cricket Sport Wales England Cricket Board The National Lottery Masuri Chance To Shine Lord's Taverners NV Play