Clearing the Boundaries


The Cricket Wales mission statement and related Outcomes were developed by its new Board in 2012/13 and provides a clear framework against which priorities can be identified and progress measured.

This strategic plan ‘Clearing the Boundaries’ builds on the above framework, and has involved the voluntary area cricket networks (junior/senior leagues and associations), and staff at all levels, contributing significantly to what can be achieved between April 2015 and March 2019. 

Cricket Wales and its predecessor organisations have an outstanding track record of success and despite a challenging external environment, those within the game believe that significant further progress can be made in developing the growth, quality and accessibility of cricket in Wales. Together we believe we can achieve our vision of ‘Cricket thriving in the heart of Welsh communities’ 

The full document, Clearing the Boundaries, can be downloaded from

Executive Summary  

1. Clubs will continue to be the main focus, but a wider breadth of cricket will be embraced

2 The purpose and mission of Cricket Wales is ‘to lead, inspire and influence the growth, quality and accessibility of cricket in Wales’ within a sustainable financial framework.

3 Five Outcomes that relate to the growth, quality, accessibility and financial stability of cricket in Wales have been identified, together with measures that enable progress to be tracked.

4 In comparison to previous Plans, far greater focus will be given to retaining more young adults within cricket particularly those aged 15 to 24, a number of whom are currently dropping out of the game. Shorter Saturday league cricket, Midweek cricket, Sunday cricket, the Commercial Sector and Further/Higher Education all have a key role to play in helping to retain more players, and in servicing new potential growth markets.

5 The views of players and others involved in cricket will play a far greater role in informing decision-making (customer insight).

6 The Community Programme will be developed from October 2015 onwards. Its measures of success will be broadened to better reflect its contribution to cricket, communities and education. Physical literacy will underpin our delivery model.

7 Equality will be a key theme. South Asian participation, outstanding Women and Girls role models, Community Programme delivery in disadvantaged areas, and new partnerships with Disability Sport Wales and the Welsh Language Commission will ensure greater accessibility to cricket and will drive Cricket Wales towards the Intermediate Level of the Equality Standard for Sport.

8 The structure of senior league cricket in Wales will be kept under review to ensure it is optimal in retaining young adults aged 15 to 24, in raising standards and in ensuring the long term financial health of our clubs.

9 The Wales age-groups and National Development Centres that feed Glamorgan Cricket and England will continue to be a priority with the detail of the Pathway being reviewed on an ongoing basis. Regional Junior Cricket will be challenged to further develop itself both on and off the field of play. Cricket Wales Vision and Strategic Plan – ‘Clearing the Boundaries’ (April 2015 to March 2019)

10 A Facility Plan will be developed that will include the development of grounds, squares, nets and pavilions. Guiding clubs on working with Local Authorities who wish to transfer assets will continue to be a priority.

11 A Workforce Plan will be developed which identifies the number of coaches, officials, ground-staff and volunteers that are required in Wales, and the training they need. Staff development to support individuals in changing roles will be enhanced.

12 The Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults will continue to be embedded within all of Welsh cricket. Cricket Wales will bid for NSPCC Level 3 status.

13 New affiliation packages for clubs, schools, leagues and associations will be developed for season 2015 onwards.

14 An individual Cricket Wales membership scheme in conjunction with Glamorgan Cricket will be explored.

15 A marketing plan will be developed aimed at increasing the profile of cricket in Wales, developing the Cricket Wales brand, and improving internal/external communications.

16 A commercial plan will be developed in partnership with Glamorgan Cricket, aimed at increasing commercial revenue for both organisations.

17 Continuing to join all aspects of Welsh cricket together will be an important objective. Junior/Senior Leagues, Junior Regions and Officials/Groundsman’s Associations all working together to strengthen cricket will be key. Cricket Wales staff will lead and co-ordinate this process.

18 A governance review of the Cricket Wales Board and sub-structure will be undertaken to ensure our administrative system supports plans and priorities for the future  

Official Partners

Glamorgan Cricket Sport Wales England Cricket Board The National Lottery Masuri Chance To Shine Lord's Taverners NV Play