Changes to CASC Regulations


A message from Dave Leighton : Club Support and Services Manager England and Wales Cricket Board : Emirates Old Trafford, Manchester, M16 0PX:

All Cricket CASCs have recently been written to by HMRC.

From April 1st 2015 the CASC qualifying conditions have changed. Clubs are being asked to check whether they now meet the new qualifying conditions.  

Please download from this site cricket the Live CASC checklist

HMRC has written to all clubs within the last week with an outline of the new qualifying conditions and what they have to do by 1st April, 2016 (please see below a copy of the letter). 

Please follow the link to the CASC website:

Cricket Wales has been asked to make CASC clubs aware that they cannot ignore this information and must respond

Dear Sir or Madam Changes to the rules and guidance for Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) Club: From 1 April 2015 the qualifying conditions for the Community Amateur Sports Club scheme have changed.

You are now being asked to check and confirm whether your Club meets these new conditions. We have summarised the changes below.       

  • To remain a CASC at least 50% of your members must be participating members.        
  • CASCs can now make some small payments to players as long as the total amount paid to all players is no more than £10,000 a year (including the value of non-cash benefits for playing).        
  • CASCs can now make limited travel and subsistence payments to members in certain situations.        
  • There is now a £100,000 a year income limit. To remain a CASC you must not earn more than £100,000 a year from trading and property income combined. There has also been an increase to the turnover limits before you have to pay Corporation Tax. These are £50,000 from trading income and £30,000 from property income.
What you need to do now It is important that you now confirm whether your club still meets the conditions for CASC status. Go to to read the full guidance. This gives a detailed explanation of these new conditions.

If your club still qualifies under the new conditions you simply need to complete the enclosed self-assessment checklist and return it to the above address. If your club no longer qualifies as a CASC you have two options:

1     If you do not want to make changes to stay in the scheme you should complete the enclosed self-assessment checklist and return it to the above address. HMRC will then deregister your club from the scheme. As long as your club qualified under the old rules there will be no scheme exit charge.

2     If you want to remain a CASC you should complete the enclosed self-assessment checklist and explain that you want to make changes to stay in the scheme. Return the checklist to the above address.

You have until 1 April 2016 to make the changes needed to meet the new conditions.

After 1 April 2016 HMRC will write to you again to check that you have made all of the necessary changes.

Important: You must make the necessary changes before 1 April 2016. If you do not respond to this letter before 1 April 2016, we will deregister your club and there may be a scheme exit charge.

Yours faithfully    

Dave Shaw

Head of SPT Charities, Savings & International

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