2020 Welsh Cricket Survey




As the sun is starting to set on our 2020 season, we wanted to thank all players, officials and supporter for your support, diligence, creativity and proactivity in this uncertain and totally unprecedented year for our sport and, indeed, our nation.  

Cricket in Wales, its administrators, officials and players, have been first class in  how they have responded to the suspension and subsequent release of cricket - and the sheer amount we have managed to play, albeit in a curtailed season and often in adapted or unfamiliar circumstances.  

As the National Governing Body for Cricket in Wales, we are keen to take time to learn as much as we can from our collective experiences of this season, in order that we are as prepared as possible for the summer of 2021 and have a Plan A as well as a Plan B and C, depending on the circumstances under which we will be asked to operate.  

As part of this exercise in reflection and learning, Cricket Wales is undertaking a short online survey with players and officials, to invite views and opinions on your experience of cricket this year. We will of course be delighted to share the results of the survey with you, should this aid you in your own preparations for next year.  

Thank you again for all your efforts and support, this season and always, and for enabling so much cricket to be played and enjoyed across Wales in 2020.  We will be in touch with the network any pertinent learnings from the survey.   

Here is the link it will only take you two minutes!

Click Here for the Survey

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